Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Cuckooberra Login Process

Continued from TableMgr: GAE + GWT + GDATA with RPC

The following diagram documents the log-in procedure.

A one-time-use authorisation token is dispensed by Google accounts when you log in. This one-time-use token is then exchanged for a session token. When you log out of Cuckooberra, the session token is revoked. Remember that the session token actually never expires. So if you logged in to try Cuckooberra, and any interruption occurs preventing you from loggin out, there is a revoke token link at the left bottom of the page which you should click to revoke the token. Cuckooberra does not memorise the token beyond the browser session, so it would not be able to remember what token you used if you return to use it after the interruption to your browser session.

Note: "Redirect to Google Accounts" in Login.jsp is not really a HTTP redirect but a Javascript "location.replace()".

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